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ReWalk and Re/Picnic Kew Gardens via Richmond Park Toward Wimbledon
29th June 2024 @ 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
ReWalk and Re/Picnic on Inspiral Trail by Garden/Park/Common.
We meet at Kew Gardens Station at 12.30pm before walking to Richmond Park then onward to Wimbledon Common.
Join InspiralLondon on Saturday at 12.30pm for this shortened walk, picnicing and then exploring the wild route of Segment 18 InspiralLondon Trail as it winds across Richmond Park and arrives on Wimbledon Common.
Meet at 12.30 pm sharp before walking together up to Richmond Park and onto pincic site, nearby Beverley Brooks Bridge. Contributions to shared picnic welcome (as donations £5-10 or in form of offerings of food/beverages). We will provide some basic elements derived from inspiral foraging and inspired by our spring explorations. Please Sign up HERE
After Picnic 1-1.30pm we will continure along Beverley Brook, crossing the stream of the A3, and entering Wimbledon Common.
Part of InspiralLondon ReWalk, ReMap, ReTell 2024-2025
From Spring 2024 to 2025 InspiralLondon sets out to rewalk, remap and retell the 300 mile spiral trail, first walked in 2015. We invite all kinds of walkers, urban explorers and the curious to experience the magic of this unique pathway. Supported by Mayor of London TfL walking and cycling grant.