Metropolitan Trails Academy fully launched their MOOC learning platform in March 2021.
You can join this MTA Network at any time, now, and enjoy the resources/lessons created for this collaborative Erasmus funded MOOC. There is particularly good material on building communities and working with local communities on walking trails and other walking art projects (particularly in Marseille with Hotel du Nord Collective, and in Milan with Trekking Italia, but also in Bordeaux, Munich, Athens and Paris). It is a free open learning platform that compliments the networks of Metropolitan Trails International and other long walking trail projects.

SEE MOOC resources here: https://metropolitantrails.
Please join up, share with your colleagues, students and all other walking networks… you will be amazed at the rich opportunities to explore, collaborate and engage with the cities and the life of a common city dwelling that we are all now building or re-constructing… into an uncertain future.

“Without a metropolitan trail, city dwellers simply cannot know their territory.” Charlie Fox, designer of the trail ’Inspiral London’
Just like a library, a swimming pool or a music school, metropolitan trails are basic urban facilities.
Lightweight, they create a new public space to be used on a daily or occasional basis.
Sensitive, they allow inhabitants to (re)discover their territory, in all its variety and history.
Collective, they empower communities in order to imagine and implement the ecological city of tomorrow. (MTA 2020)